Revolutionizing sustainability: DIOXI empowers diverse bioprocess industries with AI, driving efficiency, reducing waste, and building a greener future

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NSF invite DIOXI LLC to submit a full Phase I proposal to SBIR/STTR program: Artificial Intelligence System to Optimize Anaerobic Digestion Processes

The SBIR program offers small business financing to support bio-medical research and development with commercialization potential. The STTR program facilitates cooperation between small businesses and universities and institutes by supporting projects with commercialization potential. On 3/12/23, NSF invited us to submit a proposal to the SBIR/STTR program and on 10/17/23, we applied together with Carnegie Mellon University and the Digester DOC LLC laboratory for the full proposal.


DIOXI Project: WINNER of the INNOVAR 2022 contest

With more than 17 years of experience, the INNOVAR National Innovation Contest is the pioneering initiative that promotes innovation and rewards those who dare to invent, create and improve products and services, at the federal level. The projects are distinguished with the objective of promoting and promoting inventions with high social and commercial impact; promote technology-based ventures; give visibility to processes, patented or patentable products in Argentina and/or abroad and services that entail a demonstrated generation of value; and continue strengthening the development of a national innovative culture.


DIOXI awarded by the Secretariat of Science, Technology and Innovation of Santa Fe

DIOXI won the special #IB50K award provided by the Secretariat of Science, Technology and Innovation of the province of Santa Fe: 165 thousand pesos and collaboration in the fundamental technical milestones to move to a minimum viable product for the best high-impact project in the agri-food and agro-industrial chain, intended for finalist teams composed mostly of Santa Fe residents.

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